If the client is keen to proceed and the booking has been activated in Prohire, your preparation teams now have the green light to clean, inspect, and, if necessary, fix the vehicle. At smaller businesses, the responsibility of preparation might fall to your front desk team. At the very least, they need to know which vehicles are being picked up or returned today, tomorrow and the day after to prioritise which jobs need to take place and when.
Delivery Diary
Into the Prohire arena steps the delivery diary, a breakdown of all the bookings with the vehicle’s statuses and locations. It also highlights any actions required – such as cleaning, off-roading (for maintenance), delivery or collection. Jobs can be sent to the relevant teams through the Companion App, a middle-man between them and the front desk.
Having the delivery diary on the same platform as the allocation chart allows your team to seamlessly navigate between the two without needing different login details or windows. One of the core objectives of Prohire is that the user can get from one part of the ecosystem to any other with ease.
The system also removes the possibility of things slipping through the gaps. Hires that have been returned but have outstanding balances are marked in red, allowing you to chase the client for payment should the need arise.
Predictive Adjustments
The system also removes the possibility of things slipping through the gaps. Hires that have been returned but have outstanding balances are marked in red, allowing you to chase the client for payment should the need arise.