Small Items Can Easily Go Missing

Whether it’s a footwell protector, a parcel shelf or charging cables. Most of the time this is just carelessness – a client taking out the parcel shelf to fit a large piece of luggage into the boot, for example – though in rarer cases, it could be theft.

Efficient Inventory Management

Whatever the item or reason, good inventory management is crucial. The Mobile App provides vehicle rental organisations with an easy-to-use, comprehensive inventory management system that helps you keep better track of the things in your vehicles.

Transparent Item Tracking

The app’s inventory log provides an immediate view of the items attached to each vehicle, making it easy to see what was lost and when. This can significantly reduce the expenditure allocated to order replacement parts, and quickly settle any disputes that could arise.

Prohire Companion makes sure that anything which goes out with the vehicle comes back with it …

Let the client pay for any missing items… not you!

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