Every aspect of your vehicle’s lifecycle holds valuable information. From the moment of purchase to ongoing maintenance, and from de-fleeting to eventual sale, managing and accessing this data is crucial.

That’s Where the Companion App Comes In

On the app, accessed from any compatible mobile device, all relevant vehicle data can be easily logged, stored, accessed, and updated throughout its entire lifecycle. No more scrambling through glove compartments to find ownership documents – everything can be conveniently stored digitally in one central location. This includes vital information about vehicle trackers, such as their installation status and removal details.

Vehicle Maintenance Management

We understand that each vehicle undergoes a series of inspections and maintenance checks at various stages of its lifecycle. Whether it’s upon onboarding a new vehicle to your fleet, conducting regular condition assessments, or managing mileage and damage records, the Mobile App provides a robust framework to handle these crucial tasks.

Vehicle Condition Management

You can easily record and track the condition of each vehicle, ensuring its proper maintenance and facilitating damage management. Moreover, when the time comes to de-fleet a vehicle, our app guides you through the necessary processes, whether it’s returning it to the leasing company or preparing it for resale.

By streamlining your vehicle management, you can save valuable time and money, ultimately improving the overall efficiency of your operation.

With our app, vehicle management becomes a breeze. It’s vehicle management made easy.